
Looking after You & the next generation

Here at Duncraig Chiropractic, our team of expert pregnancy chiropractors can help you maintain your posture and spinal health. Pregnancy represents a significant challenge to the body both physically, chemically and emotionally. It is common for chiropractors to provide supportive care for women during pregnancy to manage pains and aches and assist mobility and activity levels. Our chiropractors will also pre-empt the challenges of nursing an infant with new mothers, as well as recommend care plans for after the pregnancy.

Techniques used to treat our patients include ABC (Advanced Bio-Structural Correction). The initial procedure will include a detailed history and examination. In most cases, we will work without imaging during pregnancy. The chiropractor will then give recommendations and provide whatever care is necessary.

If you’re considering having children, we recommend that you get checked before falling pregnant. This is even more important if you have a history of falls, trauma, disc injuries and spinal degeneration!

If you’re interested in chiropractic for pregnancy, book an appointment with one of our dedicated chiropractors today!

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We solve body problems

Our other Chiropractic services

Lower back Pain

Not sure if your pain is muscular or something more serious? We’ve got your back.

Neck Pain

Whether its stiffness or a serious disc injury you can call us first.


One of the most common complaints we help people within our practice. Let us help you.


Exciting and challenging in more ways than one. Let us support you through this journey.

Chiro For Kids

Kids are people too! They hurt just like us. We can help.

Postural Correction

Concerned about your rounded shoulders and slumped posture? Come talk to us.